Construction of NPP Belene stirs heated debates in Bulgaria
"Today, the Bulgarian government faces the categorical answers to many questions," said Neynsky and pointed out some of the most important of them. "How much has so far been invested in NPP Belene? How much will it cost in total? What will be the amount of forfeits in the case of closing the project? What is Bulgaria's stance to Russia's offer for a loan? Will this loan serve to start or continue the project? Will there be markets for the produced electricity? All of this leads to the main question: is there any policy at all to Belene? To answer all these questions, we must first give a univocal answer to three aspects: economic profitability in times of financial crisis; energy security within the European frame; and geopolitical aspects."
There is much skepticism to the project. MEP Georffrey Van Orden pointed out that investors had to be from the European Union.
"It is important that the decision for NPP be taken on the solid economic grounds, transparency and security," said American ambassador to Sofia, James Warlick. His Spanish counterpart, Jorge Fuentes pointed out that "the ideas of Bulgaria about its nuclear policies should be coordinated with EU."
"The site of NPP Belene should not remain in its current state. It has to be conserved and that will cost additional 7.5 mln euro," said Genadii Tyapkin, vice president of the Russian "Atomstroyexport". The Russian nuclear expert and project's consultant Vladimir Kazanchev reminded Russia's proposal for a loan until a strategic partner was found.
Deputy Economy and Energy Minister Maya Hristova clarified that the government planned to check all spent funds under the project.
"For us the following is clear - without transparency and European will to invest, this project won't see the light of day," said Maya Hristova categorically. "During the negotiations which our government held with the Russian delegation, financial aid was offered but Bulgaria declined it. At the moment we are not looking for Russian financing but we are looking for European participation. The Bulgarian state is the only owner of the project and no share has been put forward to the Russian delegation."
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